Tuesday 22 September 2009

Email Management

I wish it were possible to outsource every administrative task but it's not! There will always be some tasks which you need to schedule time. Take managing email for example. Speaking to many business owners I know it's very easy to feel overwhelmed at times by the amount of time sending and responding to emails can take. But you can do something about it....

So how much time do you spend managing email on a weekly basis?

2 hours a week or 20 hours?

If you consider you spend far too much time on email (maybe more than an hour a day?) there could be a number of ways where you could manage your time more effectively.

1) Is there a way you could automate some of your responses? This could be a more efficient way of communicating the information to your clients and customers.

2) Could you employ a VA to screen your emails?

Here are just two ways to drastically cut down the time you spend on email. Giving you more time and energy to focus on developing your business....

If you decide to introduce these strategies you will have freed up a lot of time but don't forget you will still need to schedule some time for email! My recommendation is to block this time into your diary and treat it like a business appointment.

Maybe spend 30 minutes a day, or a hour three times a week, whatever works for you and your business. But by blocking out this time in your diary this will also help you to manage your working week more effectively.

Good luck and if you need any advice on resources for my two tips above, you know where I am!

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