Thursday 3 September 2009

Is the perfectionist in you sabotaging your success?

Sometimes good enough is simply, good enough! I don't know about you but I have had to really work on myself to ensure the perfectionist in me doesn't sabotage my success. All too often we can get drawn into too finer detail when trying to get projects off the ground and by doing so we really limit our potential. So why do we do this?!

OK, I'm not saying having great attention detail isn't important - it absolutely is if you are going to be successful. However, it's important to recognise where and when great attention to detail is needed.

A really good rule that I often apply when I feel my perfectionism beginning to kick in is to ask myself the following questions:
  1. If I perfect this project will it lose me money?
  2. If I could continue to perfect this task will in bring in more money straight away?
  3. If the task in hand isn't perfect, will it put me in jail? EG, not paying income tax!
By asking myself these questions I have been able to get projects started that I would have otherwise put off, waiting for the 'perfect' time to do them!

Take a look at your work ethic. If you find that you are continuously putting things off until the 'prefect' time, then you could be sabotaging your success.

Remember, it's important just to get started and you can always perfect things later - remembering that I can always perfect things later helps me to sleep at night!

Let me know how you get on!

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